Game Nite is an Android application allow YOU to organise small-scale events for your community!

Demo Video

Project Experience

One obstacle was that retrieving data from Firebase once will more often than not return null. As a result, my app is inconsistent and can crash sometimes. However, this issue has been resolved via the use of AsyncTask, recommended by some of my classmates. Another was that due to the amount of features I wanted to implement in my app, I spent too much time coding before testing and realising there is a bug, which then leads to me wasting time finding out from which feature and from which implementation it was caused. Luckily, through highly modular and structured code design, this was minimised.

One crucial part of CS I have learnt is that it is insufficient and inefficient for me to code everything myself. Using some components from pre-existing libraries allow for me not needing to reinvent the wheel. I also used to a large extent, logic from my previous labs and assignments.

Another learning point is that having a fixed schedule AND adhering to it strictly is beneficial for the entire project development. I planned out my project’s features early, setting deadlines and ensuring that I stuck to them. As such, I finished implementing all the planned features early and I was able to squeeze in some bonus features and UI improvements.

Given more, I feel that an option can be put for organisers to hold online events, especially amidst the COVID-19 outbreak, discouraging users from interacting.

I feel that more emphasis could be made on the “Game” part of my app. As such, I could include gamification in my app, and Google actually has a useful API for this (Google Play API). This also allows users to be more engaged when using ​Game Nite​.