Page Title

Hello! We are Team VRKY

It consists of our names, Kieran, Vishagan, Ray, Hengyue. In this website we hope to enlighten you on the aerodynamics behind the Formula One cars, the fastest form of motor racing!

Who is it for?

This website is for everyone, regardless of technical knowledge of Formula One! For those only starting to get into the sport, this website will introduce you to the cutting-edge technology and innovations in the sport.

For those who are already veterans, this website will consolidate all the aerodynamics knowledge of Formula One cars, and maybe give you some new trivia to show off to your fellow fans!

Work Division

Name Work
Kieran Team Leader, Drag IC, Web Dev
Ray Downforce IC
Hengyue Video IC, secondary writer
Vishagan Quiz IC

Special Thanks

We would like to thank Mr Clifton Soh, our PC5132 teacher, for piqueing our interest in aerodynamics, and making this website possible.

Also, we express our utmost gratitude to Formula One Management for making the content possible, and Giorgio Piola for the detailed and elegant images.